Large number of outbreaks are investigated every year in different spp. of livestock throughout the state of Haryana. Poultry diseases in 3 to 4 crore population of poultry birds are investigated every year.
Developed spot test for detection of urea adulteration in milk (Dr. Gulshan Narang and Dr. R. S. Khokhar) Granted patent vide No. 250500 dated 6 January 2012 for the invention entitled “A PROCESS OF TESTING UREA IN MILK AND AN INDICATOR SOLUTION THEREOF”. The Business Planning and Development (Veterinary) Unit is selling the above kit and is available for commercialization.
Developed field diagnostic test for diagnosis for Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in cattle and buffaloes. (Dr. Parul Sharma and Dr. R. S. Khokhar). Granted patent (vide No. 233446 dated 30.03.2009) for the invention entitled “A Process for preparation of diagnostic reagent for testing of haemorrhagic septicemia in cattle and buffaloes.
First report in literature of associating Mycoplasma F-38 with mastitis in cows.
First reports of enterotoxaemia in camel, orchitis due to mange in camel, isolation of M. mycoides sub sp. mycoides (LC, type) and M.bovoculi from aborted foetues and frozen bull semen.
Prevalence of pathogenic Listeria, Aeromonas, Yersinia and Campylobacter recorded in the food of animal origin.
Ph.D thesis entitled “Experimental epidemiological studies on Mycoplasma mycoides subspp. mycoides (Large colony type) isolated from natural bovine abortions” by Dr. P. K. Kapoor was awarded Jawaharlal Nehru award by ICAR for the best thesis in 1995.
Counter immuno electrophoresis test developed for the demonstration of Brucella melitensis in stomach content of aborted fetuses of sheep for the first time.
Cases of zoonotic diseases (Brucellosis and mange) confirmed in human beings.
Epidemiological studies revealed the circulation of very virulent strains of infectious bursal disease virus, and lentogenic and velogenic strains of Newcastle disease virus in poultry.
Chicken astrovirus and avian nephritis virus were detected and characterized from boiler chickens affected with either enteritis or visceral gout.