Literary activities

Student of LUVAS won third prize in Poster Making Competition in AGRI-UNIFEST held at UAS, Bangalore in March, 2023.

Student of LUVAS winning second prize in hindi poem recitation competition held at Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh held from 25th-26th February, 2023.

Student of LUVAS winning second prize in inter university hindi declamation competition held in COBSc. &H, CCS HAU, Hisar on the occasion of” Hindi Diwas”

Student of LUVAS winning first prize in inter university hindi poem recitation competition held in COBSc. &H, CCS HAU, Hisar on the occasion of” Hindi Diwas”.

Student of LUVAS winning third prize in inter University hindi poem recitation competition held in COBSc. &H, CCS HAU, Hisar on the occasion of” Hindi Diwas”.

Student of LUVAS winning first prize in inter University hindi poem recitation competition held in COBSc. &H, CCS HAU, Hisar on the occasion of” Hindi Diwas”.