Right to Information

First Appellate Authority

Name and Address Email Address Contact No.
Dr. S.S. Dhaka
First Appellate Authority cum-Registrar, LUVAS, Hisar
registrar@luvas.edu.in 01662-70164(0)

Nodal Officer (RTI Cell) 

Name and Address Email Address Contact No.
Sh. Ram Manohar,
A&AO o/o Dean, COVS (working in o/o DSW-cum-EO)
 nodalofficer-rti@luvas.edu.in       9812571706

State Public Information Officers (SPIOs) The charge of State Assistant Public Information Officer (SAPIO), RTI for all Central Offices to the officials is given as mentioned below to look after the work related to RTI and assist the SPIO: List of SAPIOs

Sr. No. Name & Designation Office of SAPIO Email Contact No.
1. Dr. Ricky Jhambh,
Assistant Professor
Registrar jhambricky@gmail.com 9896221996
2. Sh. Dinesh Kumar,
Assistant Registrar
Dean COVS estbdv@luvas.edu.in 9896174844
3. Sh. Bhup Singh
D.R. research.dr@luvas.edu.in 8950805674
4. Dr. Vishal Sharma
Assistant Professor
Dean PGS drvishalsharma@luvas.edu.in 9466746565
5. Sh. Surender Singh
Dy. Supdt. 
Dean CoDST deputyluvas@gmail.com 9813088666
6. Mrs. Chanchala Rani
Director, HRM dir.hrm@luvas.edu.in 9253042488
7. Dr. Sandeep Duhan
Assistant Professor
DSW-cum-EO dsw@luvas.edu.in 8168149976 7206929464
8. Sh. Ram Manohar
DEE dee.dir@luvas.edu.in 9812571706
9. Dr. Kulender Khatkar
Vety. Surgeon
Director, IPVS kulenderkhatkar@rediffmail.com 9813200204
10. Sh. Satish Kumar,
Assistant Registrar  
CVU comptroller@luvas.edu.in 8683837157