511/AIP/AGB/Dev. Work- Association of THI with Thermo-Tolerance traits in Dairy cattle.
507/AIP/LFC/Dev. Work- Identification of point mutation in HSP 70 gene and their association with performance and thermo-tolerance traits in Munjal sheep.
508/AIP/VMD/Dev. Work -Institution and evaluation of selective dry cow therapy with or without trace minerals supplementation in control of bovine mastitis at LUVAS Cattle farm.
509/AIP/VGO/Dev. Work -Ozone therapy in treatment of sub-clinical endometritis in repeat breeding buffaloes.
510/AIP/VPA/Dev. Work-Molecular prevalence and phylogeny of ixodid ticks and tick borne haemoparasites of cattle and buffaloes of Haryana.
512/AIP/LPM/Dev.Work-Livestock waste utilization through establishment of Vermin-compost unit.
513/AIP/VPB/Dev.Work-Identification of estrous specific molecule in the buffalo urine through metabolomics approach.
514/AIP/VSR/Dev.Work-Studies on application of bovine origin acellular diaphragmatic matrix for the repair of large skin wound in animals.
515/AIP/CODST/Dev.Work- Studies on the development of fox-nut (Makhana) fortified functional paneer.