Store Purchase Organization

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Dr. Parveen Gahlot
Store Purchase Officer
LUVAS, Hisar

Contact Details: Address: Store Purchase Organization, LUVAS, Hisar - 125 004
Tel : 01662 256078,
E-Mail :


The Store Purchase Organization is maintaining the stores of those items which are required by various Departments/Offices in day to day use. The Organization is dealing with all the purchase cases of centralized as well as non-centralized items as per rules provided under the Store Purchase Procedure. The purchase cases of the items required by the Departments/Offices which are not available with the Organization are also dealt with. The major activities of the Store Purchase Organization are to conclude Annual Rate Contracts, Maintenance Contracts, replenishment of Central Stores and to place all types of cases before the Central Purchase Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor in the month of April every year. The Store Purchase Organization is working under the control of the SPO and the Comptroller, LUVAS, Hisar is the Controlling Officer. The Store Purchase Officer is the Member Secretary of Central Purchase Committee.


Staff Position

Sr. No   Name of the Employee  Designation Contact no.
1.  Dr. Parveen Gehlot  SPO 94684-26428
2.  Sh. Parmod Kumar  A&AO 7206000689
3.  Sh. Subhash Ranga  Assistant 86850-27638
4.  Sh. Amit Sharma  Assistant 90344-84291
5.  Ms. Pragati Sharma  Clerk (Deputation basis) -


Rate Contract Booklet for the period ending 30-09-2024

Click here to download LUVAS Store Purchase Procedure

To Download DSIR Certificate, Please Click Here

Purchase procedure annexures in word format

  1. Proforma for Sending Demand for the Purchase of Items to Store Purchase Organization
  2. Proforma for Obtaining Financial Sanction for the Purchase of Non-Recurring Items
  3. Format for obtaining information from the Manufacturers/ Dealers / Suppliers before their registration with the Store Purchase Organization/University Departments.
  4. Format for Notice Inviting Quotations.
  5. Format for sending the Excise Duty Exemption Certificates to the Office of the Store Purchase Officer for counter signature of the Registrar, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar
  6. Format for the Central Excise Duty Exemption Certificate
  7. Format for sending the Custom Duty Exemption Certificate to the Office of the Store Purchase Officer for countersignature of the Registrar, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar
  8. Format for the Custom Duty Exemption Certificate
  9. Format for Supply Order
  10. General Instructions /Conditions to be supplied with the NIQ/ Press Tender by the Store Purchase organization/ Departments/ Offices for Inviting Quotations etc.
  11. Terms & conditions for the material to be imported
  12. Format for sending the Half-yearly Information regarding the Custom/ Excise Duty availed by the University Departments/ Offices
  13. Annexure 6 and 7 (Revised)