Development of cell culture vaccine against bovine tropical theileriosis – Patent granted.
Elucidation of role of oxidative stress in pathogenesis of post-parturient haemoglobinuria (PPH) in buffaloes for the first time in India – Hari Om Ashram Trust Award (ICAR).
Successful establishment of role of oxygen releasers in the management of anaemic anoxia in post-parturient haemoglobinuria (PPH) in buffaloes for the first time in India – Best research paper award (Indian Veterinary Association).
Development of successful therapy comprising of various antioxidants and anti-fibrinolytic drugs for post-parturient haemoglobinuria (PPH) in buffaloes.
Developed strategies for successful management of mastitis and pica in animals.
Development of sensitive diagnostic assays for haemoprotozoa and other infectious diseases of animals.
Development of effective therapeutic regimen of gastrointestinal hypomotility syndrome in bovines.