State schemes, ongoing and completed projects


Ongoing project

  1. Studies on Management of Surgical Disorders in Domestic Animals (Government of Haryana)
  2. Strengthening of Diagnostic Imaging Facilities for Large and Small Animals (RKVY)
  3. Strengthening of Diagnostic Imaging Facilities for Large and Small Animals (RKVY)

Completed projects

External agencies funded

Sr. No.

Title of the project

Principal Investigator

Sponsoring Agency


Urolithiasis in domestic animals (PL-480)

Dr. R.P.S. Tyagi

ICAR, New Delhi


Upward fixation of patella in animals

Dr. D Krishnamurthy

Government of Haryana


Evaluation of pre-anaesthetics and anaesthetics in camels

Dr. Jit Singh

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi


Evaluation of efficacy and safety of preanaesthetics and anaesthetics in buffaloes

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi


Role of ultrasonography in diagnosis of various affections in veterinary patients. (Emeritus Scientist Scheme)

Dr. S.K. Chawla

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi


Strengthening and Upgradation of Facilities and Services for Diagnostic Imaging in Different Diseases of Animals

Dr R N Chaudhary



State Funded Schemes

  • Upward fixation of the patella in animals (non-plan state scheme)
  • Studies on reticular hernia in bovines (non-plan state scheme)
  • Studies on thoracic disorders in buffaloes. (non-plan state scheme)
  • Studies on immobilization techniques for repair of fractures in animals (non-plan state scheme)
  • Studies on stress in relation to anaesthesia in domestic animals (non-plan state scheme)

Institutional project

  • Studies on application of bovine origin acellular diaphragmatic matrix for the repair of large skin wound in animals