The Haryana Veterinarian publishes original articles in English pertaining to animal health, management and production. The articles are published as research articles, clinical articles and as short communications. Invited review articles are published from time to time. The manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that their contents have not been and will not he published in whole or in part in any other journal and are subject to editorial review and revision. All authors should agree to submission of the article in The Haryana Veterinarian for publication. Authors should also give a certificate to the effect that all experiments on animals have been undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the laws governing animal experimentation. Copyright of the published articles rests with the publisher.
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The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman regular 12 font with double line spacing, on one side of A-4 size paper leaving a margin of 2.5 cm on all the four sides. First line of paragraphs should be indented 1.0 cm from the left text margin and follow justified alignment for paragraphs. No line space be given between paragraphs. The headings (in bold, capitals and centred) should be separated from the preceding and succeeding text by one-line space. Only standard abbreviations should be used, all other abbreviations should be explained at first occurrence in the manuscript. Metric system of measurements should be followed. Total word count should not exceed 2200 for Research article and 1000 for short note/clinical articles. The manuscript should include:
TITLE: The title page should be separate and include the title of the paper (all capital letters, bold and centred on page), one blank line space followed by names of authors (all capital letters, and centred on page), followed by the complete affiliated institutional address in the next line where the work was actually conducted. Corresponding author and current addresses of authors, if any, should be given in numerically identified footnotes of the title page.
TEXT FOR RESEARCH ARTICLES: The text should start from the next page and should include a self-contained abstract (not more than 250 words) containing the objectives, a brief reference to pertinent main facts of methodology and results, followed by conclusions of the study. Introduction should explicitly introduce the topic to the reader and should contain the hypothesis or objectives of the study. It should not be more than 18 lines. Materials and Methods should give details of experimental design, species studied, types and numbers of observations and statistical tests employed for making comparisons. Results should be combined with discussion to avoid repetition of results. Data given in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. Figures should be preferred wherever possible to highlight relative values of data. Discussion should be concluded in the light of the findings of the investigation under report and existing literature. Figures and Tables should be submitted individually on separate sheets of paper, centred on the paper and should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Statistical differences in values should be identified by different superscripts following the values. The title of the Figures and Tables should be self-explanatory.
Photographs (in jpeg format) should be sharp, easily reproducible with legends on separate sheets.
References should continue on the same sheet following discussion.
References preferably of last 10 years should be used. References appearing in the text should be given in the list, arranged in alphabetical order and typed as under:
Research Paper: Hare, W.C.D., Marshak, R.R., Dutcher, R.M. and Croshaw Jr., J.E. (1964). Bovine lymphosarcoma: A review of studies on cattle in the eastern United States. Can. Vet. J. 5(8): 180-198.
Book: Plumb, D.C. (2008). Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook (6th Edn.), Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa.
Chapter in a Book: Kramer, J.M. and Gilbert, R.J. (1989). Bacillus cereus and Other Bacillus Species. In: Food Borne Pathogens. Doyle, M.P. (Edt.). Marcel Dekker, New York, U.S. pp. 235-240.
Baumel, J.J. (1975). Aves Heart and Blood Vessels. In: The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. (5th Edn.) Getty, R., Sisson, R., Sisson, S. and Grossman's, J.D. (Edts.)., W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 235-240.
Website: Last, F. M. (Year). Article title. URL. Accessed on Month date, year.
Thesis: Talukdar. M. (1999). Gross anatomical, histomorphological and histochemical studies on the stomach and intestine of crossbred adult pig. Ph.D thesis, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati.
Conference Proceeding: Last, F. M. (Year). Article title. Abstract/Paper Published in proceedings of ..................... held at ..................... on ................... pp: ............/Article ID:
TEXT FOR SHORT COMMUNICATION/CLINICAL ARTICLES: It should be in the form of a brief report and should contain a summary (instead of abstract) of the technique/observations and the text should not be divided into sections. Necessary references/photographs/short tables may be included where necessary as per the pattern of the journal